
What is the Prognosis of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

Generally speaking, the prognosis of End Stage Renal Failure is poor(ESRD). However, if the persons can take proper treatment as early as possible, they will be able to improve the prognosis of End Stage Renal Failure(ESRD) enormously.
Based on some statistics, 76,584 people undergoing End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD) treatment died each year in the US 2001, in which about 30% died of its complications like heart failure, coronary heart failure etc. Therefore, to improve the prognosis of End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD), the persons should restore the impaired kidneys and control the complications simultaneously.
In End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD), a large amount of metabolic toxins build up in body, which will cause damage to multiple body systems like hematologic system, nerve system, musculoskeletal system etc. If these complications can not be controlled effectively, they can aggravate the disease progression and deterioration of renal function. Therefore, the patients should take treatments to relieving these complications like correcting anemia, controlling high blood pressure, lowering blood phosphorus level etc by taking medicines and changing daily diet.
However, as the metabolic products in blood and impaired renal function are the underlying causes of the complications. Therefore, they should clear up the toxins in body and restore the renal function primarily.
Dialysis is a common method to removing metabolic products, but it can only clear away the micromolecule substances. The left moderate molecular and micromolecule harmful will continuously impair the kidneys and other systems.
In order to clear up the metabolic wastes completely and restore the impaired renal function, the combination therapy Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy is suggested to the patients with End Stage Renal Disease.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can dilate systemic blood vessels so as to increase blood and nutrients supply to kidneys. It can delay the renal fibrosis and renal function decline. Also the nutrients can stimulate the self-repairing of the impaired renal functional cells and tissues.
Moreover, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can degrade immune complexes and extracellular matrix and make them dissolve in blood. Finally, they will be excreted out of body in urine. Therefore, it can create a favorable environment for repairing the damaged kidneys.
Immunotherapy plays the major role in restoring impaired kidneys. Once the kidneys are repaired very well, the renal function will be able to improve greatly. In this way, the prognosis of End Stage Renal Disease will improve dramatically.
However, in some cases of End Stage Renal Disease, the therapies are not available to them. If you want to know if you are a lucky man, you can leave a message below or email me to khkpcn@hotmail.com.



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