
Renal Failure should Say No to High Potassium Foods

Potassium, one of the electrolytes, is important to human body. Most people can take sufficient potassium from their daily diets while others who suffer from Renal Failure may need to guard against taking too much potassium.
Before I explain the reason, let's take a few minutes to look at Renal Failure. Renal Failure describes a serious condition affecting the kidneys. People who suffer from Renal Failure can no longer metabolize properly which leads to an accumulation of wastes and fluids as well as electrolytes in human body. Hence, electrolyte disorders lead to the occurrence of hyperkalemia. Hyperkalemia can damage human body or even life-threatening. That's why patients with Renal Failure had better not take potassium-restricted diets.
Whether to increase or decrease your potassium levels, you need to know what kinds of foods meet your needs in the first place. According to Duke University Medical Center and the American Kidney Foundation, foods have been divided into 3 main categories: low, moderate and high potassium foods. This survey helps us a lot to tell what kinds of foods should or should not be eaten for patients with Renal Failure.
High potassium foods including:
All meats, poultry and fish are high in potassium.
Avocado, banana, cantaloupe, honeydew, Kiwi, orange or orange juice, prunes, apricots and peaches.
Milk, nuts, Lima beans, lentils, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, winter squash, caraway, celery, asparagus lettuce, rape and mushroom etc.
Purple seaweed and kelp etc.
Low potassium foods which are safe for Renal Failure patients including:
Black berries, blueberries, grapes, tangerines, canned pears, peaches and plums;
Asparagus, green or waxed beans, corn, cauliflower, cucumbers, water chestnuts, iceberg lettuce, fresh pineapple, and summer squash.
Juices such as apple, cranberry, lemonade, grape, and fruit-flavored drinks are okay
Diet plays vital role in Renal Failure treatment. Although there can be so many inconvenient at first, after all, it worth your shot to precaution, slow down the progression and live a better life. More information, Email me: khkpcn@hotmail.com.



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