
The Dietary Principles for the Renal Failure Patient

The Dietary Principles for the Renal Failure Patient

(1)Sodium salt intake
Low-salt food should be taken for the edema patient to avoid worsening edema. Generally, the suitable salt intake every day should be less than 2g. The patient is forbidden to take preserved food, take less MSG and eatable alkali. The patient can have a common diet when the edema disappears, the plasma protein is close to the normal condition.

(2) Protein intake
For the renal failure syndrome patient, a large quantity of plasma protein is excreted out from urine, so the protein in the body becomes lower in protein malnutrition status. The hypoproteinemia make the plasma osmotic pressure lower, causing the edema stubborn, and the body resistance becomes lower, too. Therefore, the kidney disease patient should have comparatively high quality protein diet in the early and mid stage, when the patient haven’t presented renal functional failure. This is helpful to relieve hypoproteinemia and the complications caused by the hypoproteinemia. But the high-protein diet can make the Renal Blood Flow (RBF) increase and the glomerular filtration rate higher. Then, the glomerular capillary is in high-pressure status, while the urine protein also increases for taking high-protein diet, causing the acceleration of glomerulosclerosis. So, for the patient without chronic end-stage renal functional failure syndrome, they should take comparatively less quantity of high-quality protein diet. If the patient present chronic renal functional damage, they should take low-protein diet.

(3) Fat intake
The renal functional failure syndrome patient often has hyperlipoidemia, which can cause the arteriosclerosis and glomerular damage, sclerosis, etc. Therefore, the patient should be limited the food with rich fat and cholesterol, like animal giblets, fat meat, some seafood, etc.

(4) Microelements intake
As the permeability of glomerular basement membrane increases for the patient with renal functional failure syndrome, besides large amount of protein lost in the urine, meanwhile, some microelement and hormone which is combined with protein lost, too, causing the lack of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, etc. So, the patient should take appropriate microelement to supply. Generally, they can take vegetable, fruit, grains, seafood, etc. with rich vitamin and microelement.



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