
How does Kidney Transplant Work

When one requires kidney transplant, his or her kidneys probably developed serious damage and lost kidney function completely. Receiving kidney transplant can be a life-saving move for those people.

Briefly speaking, kidney transplant surgery is to place a healthy kidney from others into your body. This is your best chance to live a normal but happy life ever after.

But how does it work?
Before you decide to take the surgery, your doctor will give you an evaluation to see if you are qualified for a kidney transplant surgery. Main influencing factors include physical condition, i.e. heath, and how hard you work at staying healthy. Additionally, they will take diet, exercise, dialysis treatment or others into consideration.

Once you are qualified for the surgery, then you need to consider the following questions.

▪ The waiting list
According to the latest data from UNOS today, candidates in waiting list are 114,352, while the number of donors as of January 2012 is 2,218. Almost 52 times between people who require transplant and kidneys available, which means even if you have already prepared for the surgery, there’s still a big chance that you can’t get it.

▪ Things you need to do after surgery
You are pretty lucky to get the surgery done; meanwhile, it is very successful. Don’t be so happy, a great deal of people died after taking the surgery. In other words, either blame to the rejection or failing after care. After care plays an essential role in the success rate of kidney transplant. Taking immunosuppressive medications help not to reject the organ from others. Although the medications would weaken one’s immune system, it is pretty necessary.

Kidney transplant is just a treatment for kidney disease, not a cure. If you didn’t develop kidney disease, then do something to protect them from now. If you have already suffered one, do as much as you can to control its progression and stabilize the condition. If you have already entered into the advanced stage, require dialysis or pin your hope on kidney transplant, then listen to your doctor and know what to do. Want to know more information, as a doctor online now! it is totally free.



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