
How to Improve Life Quality for Patients with Renal Failure

How to improve life quality for patients with Renal Failure?
1. Diet
To improve life quality for patients with Renal Failure, patients with Renal Failure should avoid eating bean product. The principle food has to be wheat and corn. According to the degree of renal damage, patients have to regulate the intake of protein. Usually, the protein intake should be less than 50g. When patients with Renal Failure have the symptom of edema, the diet should be low-salt. If they are infected, the food they should avoid include peppery fish, shrimp and old hen.
2. Spirit
As Renal Failure is serious and the course is long, patients are often pessimistic about the treatment. Their family and friends have to communicate with them more to encourage them be confident about the treatment and life. Practice proves that active attitude can not make patients in a good mood, but also extremely improve the medical treatment effect.
3. Skin
Patients with Renal Failure often have itchiness in skin. As it feels itchy, most patients scratch skin until it bleeds. Therefore, patients have to avoid being infected. They can often have a bath and 40℃ water is proper, for slightly sweating can help to discharge the toxin out of body.
How to improve life quality for patients with Renal Failure? There are a lot of things patients should pay more attention to. But different people have different illness condition. Therefore, they have to choose a better way to take care of themselves according to the specific condition. However, to improve life quality for patients with Renal Failure, the most important thing is medical treatment.
Most patients with Renal Failure think that the final result of Renal Failure is dialysis and kidney transplant. But dialysis is just used to replace the damaged kidneys and it can not treat kidney disease itself. When it comes to Kidney Transplant, it is difficult to find a proper kidney. At the same time, even if one has successfully taken a Kidney Transplant, there is usually rejection to the transplanted kidney so that it is necessary to take medicine all the rest of life. In one word, to improve life quality for patients with Renal Failure, they have to actively treat it instead of waiting for dialysis or kidney transplant. The earlier you receive effective treatment, the better it is. For more information about Renal Failure, please feel free to contact us online or email us at khkpcn@hotmail.com.



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