
Does Renal Failure Lead to "Sexual Failure"

Chronic Renal Failure is a kind of kidney disease which seriously harms human health. The statistics shows that about 90% of men with Uremia have problem with sex. Usually, the severity of Renal Failure is closely related with the condition of sexual dysfunction. Then what are the causes of "sexual failure" from Renal Failure?

1. The change of male hormone. Researcher result shows that men with Uremia can have the disease of orchiatroghy, the male hormone level declines in blood and gonadotropin is high. In resent years, it was found that the prolactin in blood is high in men with Uremia. All of these hormones can lead to sexual dysfunction.

2. Nerve factors. Patients with Uremia or on dialysis often have nervous system dysfunction. That is uremic neuropathy and uremic encephalopathy etc.

3. The complications of Renal Failure can lead to sexual dysfunction such as Diabetes, hypertension, tuberculosis, Lupus Erythematosus, including anemia, calcium metabolism malfunction and electrolytic disorder. What’s more, some medicines have influence on sexual function, for example, hypotensor and diuretic etc.

4. Psychological factors. As patients with Renal Failure realize that the prognosis of Renal Failure is not good, they are always in depression and feel bad. Even if they are on dialysis or take kidney transplantation, they just live their life with bad quality. That is why they feel it is the end of life. Finally, it affects their sexual life.

Usually, Renal Failure can lead to "sexual failure". In fact, even if one has Renal Failure, he or she has to be optimistic about life. Renal Failure is not the end of life. An active treatment can prevent the "sexual failure". If you want to learn more information about Renal Failure and therapies, please feel free to contact us online or email us at khkpcn@hotmail.com.



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