
How Long can People with Kidney Failure Live

How long can I live once I am diagnosed with Kidney Failure? This question is frequently asked by the patients. In fact, there is not a definite answer to this question at all. The life expectancy of the patients with Kidney Failure is up to several controllable factors. In other words, how long to live is controlled within the hand of the patients themselves.
1. Keep a healthy daily diet
A healthy diet plays an important role in slowing the Kidney Failure progression. Therefore, they should pay attention to what they eat in their daily life. The general diet principle for the patients with Kidney Failure is low- protein, low-salt and low-fat and high vitamin. However, as the illness conditions vary with different patients. Therefore, they should make a rational diet plan based on their medical reports under your doctors’ guidance.
Moreover, the patients with Kidney Failure should quit tobacco and alcohol so as to decrease the risk of high blood pressure. In addition, taking proper exercise and preventing infections such as colds are also important measures for the patients with Kidney Failure.
2. Prevent complications
Many patients with Kidney Failure die of its complications. With the decline in renal function, a large amount of wastes will build up in body thus causing damage to systemic oranges. Therefore, the patients often have anemia, nerve disease, heart disease, skin disease and so on. These complications will certainly aggravate the disease progression. If the patients can control these complications very well, they will be able to slow down the disease progression.
3. Effective treatment
The patients with Kidney Failure should receive treatment as early as possible. Although dialysis can alleviate the symptoms to some extent, it can not repair the damaged kidneys at all. Therefore, what the patients with Kidney Failure should do is to repair the damaged renal intrinsic cells primarily so as to improve their renal function. In this way, they will be able to prolong their life expectancy greatly.
All patients with Kidney Failure should keep an optimistic attitude to their disease and follow rational treatments and daily care. If so, they will be able to live a normal live just like the general people. If you want to know get more useful information based on your own disease condition, please email to khkpcn@hotmail.com.



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