If the creatinine level is high, what the matter is? The serum creatinine is the metabolic products of muscle in human body. Every 20 g muscle can produce 1mg creatinine. Therefore, the creatinine incease is related with amount of muscle closely. The diet, catabolism and other factors will not affect creatinine level, except kidneys. If exogenous creatinine intake is stable and creatinine gengeration is constant in body (20mg/kg per day), serum creatinine level is determined by glomurular filtration function.
Creatinine is micromolecule substance. While passing glomeruli, less can be absorbed by by glumerular tubules. The creatinine formed by body will be discharged by urine almost totally. In general, it will not be affected by urine volume. While renal insufficiency, creatinine is accumulating in body and becomes toxins causing damage to human body. The baseline of Normal Serum creatinine level is about 100 μmol/l.
Serum creatinine increase is the most important clinical manifestation of renal insufficiency and uremia. The high creatinine can not be discharged from body, whidh will endanger human body maximumly. Temporary creatinine increase can cause damage to heart, brain, kidneys, etc one after another. In the late stage, the most common complication is symptoms on digestive tract, showing as nausea, vomit, ammonia flavor in mouth, no appetite, etc.
At present, some medicine or method, such as activated carbon and dialysis, etc. can only lower the creatinine level, but repair the bailar membrane and the damaged kidneys. In this case, the creatinine can only be decreased temporarily. Soon, the creatinine level will become high. So, we suggest the patient to use proper method to derease the high creatinine level from root. The most effective method for it should be Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. While eliminating the excellular matrix and pathological changed tissue, it can repair the glomerular basilar membrane. As long as the damaged basilar membrane is repaired, the kidneys structure is changed, and the glomerular filtration area is enlarged, the serum creatinine level will be decreased gradually.