
Kidney Failure Treatment Options

The treatments for Kidney Failure are as follows.

First, control high blood pressure to a standard strictly. The patients should have low-salt diet, do exercises appropriately and supplement calcium actively. The patients also with Hypertention should take hypotensor insistently.

Secend, the treatment of urinary tract infection. After urinary tract infection occurrs, regular antibiotic treatment is neccesary, or the Kidney Failure will be more severe.

Third, medical treatment. Once microalbuminuria occurs, with or without hypertension, the patients should take angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers medicine under the guidance of the doctor. They can not only lower blood pressure, but also reduce urinary albumin and delay the progress of renal damage.

Fourth, regular physical examination. Diabetic nephropathy is a silent killer with no early symptoms. So it’s neccesary to have regular physical examination and especially to check urinary microalbuminuria.
Fifth, diet control and increase of nutrition. As for diet, protein should be limited but adequate intake of carbohydrates and fat is necessary to supply enough calories for the body.

Medical treatment has certain side effects. So it is recommended for patients to receive Immunotherapy, which has no side-effects. The therapy can also repair the damaged renal cells and recover renal function for the patients.



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