How Long Can You Live after a Kidney Transplant
When kidneys work inadequately, a kidney transplant will be adopted to sustain life and prolong life span. Many patients are concerned about how long they can live after the transplant. In fact, the life span varies from cases to cases.
Generally speaking, the survival rate of transplanted kidney is 98% within one year, 80% within 5 years, 56% within 10 years, 30% within 20 years and 21% within 20 years after the operation.
The survival rate of transplanted kidney is mainly attributed to the following factors:
1. Rupture of transplanted kidney
Rupture of transplanted kidney is one of major complications of kidney transplant and can cause renal failure. The acute rejection reaction is the main cause of transplanted kidney rupturing.
2. Infections
Infections mainly include lung and urinary tract infections. They can caused by weak physique, low immunity and pathological changes in other vital organs. Also, some patients may develop latent infection after kidney transplant.
3. Cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular diseases is very commonly seen among the patients with kidney transplant, especially those who have a long history of kidney disease and elderly. After the transplant, the patients have to use immunosuppressive drugs and hormone over time. These drugs will increase the risk of developing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Also, before the surgery, some patients may have irregular dialysis, resulting in retention of fluid and sodium and imbalance of acid-base in body.
4. Liver function failure
Liver function failure is the third major cause of failure of transplanted kidney. In some cases, the patients had hepatopathy before transplant or potential liver insufficiency. The surgery can increase the aggravation of the disease or the incidence of liver disease. In addition, the hepatopathy may be related to some medications.
5.Malignant tumor
Malignant tumor and digestive diseases are also major death cause for patients after kidney transplant. Based on some statistics, the death rate among the patients is 100 times as high as healthy people.
How does Kidney Transplant Work
When one requires kidney transplant, his or her kidneys probably developed serious damage and lost kidney function completely. Receiving kidney transplant can be a life-saving move for those people.
Briefly speaking, kidney transplant surgery is to place a healthy kidney from others into your body. This is your best chance to live a normal but happy life ever after.
But how does it work?
Before you decide to take the surgery, your doctor will give you an evaluation to see if you are qualified for a kidney transplant surgery. Main influencing factors include physical condition, i.e. heath, and how hard you work at staying healthy. Additionally, they will take diet, exercise, dialysis treatment or others into consideration.
Once you are qualified for the surgery, then you need to consider the following questions.
▪ The waiting list
According to the latest data from UNOS today, candidates in waiting list are 114,352, while the number of donors as of January 2012 is 2,218. Almost 52 times between people who require transplant and kidneys available, which means even if you have already prepared for the surgery, there’s still a big chance that you can’t get it.
▪ Things you need to do after surgery
You are pretty lucky to get the surgery done; meanwhile, it is very successful. Don’t be so happy, a great deal of people died after taking the surgery. In other words, either blame to the rejection or failing after care. After care plays an essential role in the success rate of kidney transplant. Taking immunosuppressive medications help not to reject the organ from others. Although the medications would weaken one’s immune system, it is pretty necessary.
Kidney transplant is just a treatment for kidney disease, not a cure. If you didn’t develop kidney disease, then do something to protect them from now. If you have already suffered one, do as much as you can to control its progression and stabilize the condition. If you have already entered into the advanced stage, require dialysis or pin your hope on kidney transplant, then listen to your doctor and know what to do. Want to know more information, as a doctor online now! it is totally free.
Kidney Transplant is not the Only Treatment for Renal Failure
I received an email from a patient with End Stage Renal Failure. From her words, I can feel her helplessness and worries. Her doctor recommended her Kidney Transplant for she had less than 10 % of renal function. However, she really does not want to receive Kidney Transplant and she asked me if there is a better therapy.
After knowing the specific information of her illness condition, I feel very relieved. She has the chance of receiving our therapy. On one hand, she has only started dialysis for a short time and she has the possibility of declining dialysis and even getting rid of it. On the other hand, she still has urine. That means that her kidneys still work so it is possible to reverse its disease.
It is can be denied that Kidney Transplant plays a crucial role in the treatment of Renal Failure. With the development of medical technique, the success rate of Kidney Transplant has increased greatly and some patients can live a normal life. However, the survival rate of transplanted kidneys in 10 years is just 1%. For chronic and acute rejections of Kidney Transplant, their kidneys mainly fail in a short time or lose their renal function gradually. If their kidneys fail again, they have to receive another Kidney Transplant. However, although the population of Renal Failure is increasing, the source of kidneys is rare. Many patients with Renal Failure may die in their wait for Kidney Transplant. Here I suggest my patient the combined application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy.
1. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese medicines are the new application of traditional Chinese herbs. As the medicines are plants from the nature, they do not have side effects on the patients at all. In Renal Failure, the kidneys can not get enough blood supplements thus causing renal fibrosis. Micro-Chinese Medicines can dilate blood vessels thus improving the renal blood flow. Moreover, the effective medicines can supply some nutrition for repairing of the damaged renal intrinsic cells. In treating some Kidney Diseases like IgA Nephropathy, Lupus Nephropathy and so on, Micro-Chinese Medicines can degrade the immune complex thus creating a favorable for repairing the damaged renal intrinsic cells.
The combined application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy can improve the patients' renal function greatly. If you or your loved ones are patients with Renal Failure and do not want to undergo dialysis or Kidney Transplant, you can consult us on line or email to khkpcn@hotmail.com.
Complications after Kidney Transplant
After kidney transplant, the patient is very prone to infection. Three contributive factors are as following. First, the major surgery on blood vessel and urinary system temporarily decrease patient immune ability. Secondly, for kidney failure patients, their absolute immunity is low then normal person. Thirdly, the adoption of immunosuppressive drugs further disturbs normal immune system and makes patient even more prone to Lung infection, urinary tract infection and operation wound infection.
In clinical, post organ transplant infection has become one of the toughest problems challenging doctors and patients. Global data shows that more than 50% patients will suffer from Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. Domestic data shows that the infection ratio for kidney transplant alone was 21%, with 29% for Liver transplant, 25% for Heart transplant and 39% for lung-Heart transplant. Consequences of infection could be Acute or Chronic rejection, cardiovascular complications, post-transplant Diabetes and shortened life-span of transplanted kidney.
Cardiovascular complication accounts for the second most dangerous factor after kidney transplant. Data shows that more than 50% mortality of kidney transplanted patients stems from cardiovascular diseases. And, Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia could be the most common cardiovascular complications after kidney transplant.
Digestive system complications include dysfunction of the Liver, upper digestive tract bleed and acute pancreatitis.
Dysfunction of endocrine and metabolism could give rise to Hypercalcemia, Hypophosphatemia, Hyperuricemia, Diabetes, Bone Disease, Sexual Abnormality and Dysfunction of Renal Tubules.
Hematological complications include Polycythemia and change of blood rheology and bone marrow suppression.
The occurrence ratio of tumor after kidney transplant is 2%-25%. The transplanted kidney has cancerous pathological change itself, but this condition is rare. In most cases, there could be a relapse or new occurring of kidney tumor after kidney transplant.
In addition, after kidney transplant, your existing kidneys will gradually shrink and lose function completely. So, once there is failure in your transplanted kidney, there is no other choice but another kidney transplant.
A General Evaluation on Kidney Transplant
If the kidney disease develops into uremia, the toxins will be accumulated in our body and can not be discharged, which even can threaten our life. So far, the common therapies western medicine adopts are dialysis and kidney transplant. Then what are the advantages and disadvantages of kidney transplant respectively?
The two main advantages of kidney transplant:
1 Besides the high expenditure, long-term dialysis also can cause various complications. Compared to dialysis, kidney transplant is a more effective method regarding saving uremic patient's life.
2 After the operation, patient's renal function will restore quickly. There will not is much limitation on diet. Patient's quality of life will be improved.
The main disadvantages of kidney transplant
1 Complications
Infection: kidney transplant operation is a large vascular and genitourinary surgery, so after the operation, patient's immunity will decline momentarily. The adoption of immunosuppressive medicine will cause infections of different parts, like lung infection, urinary tract infection, wound infection and so on.
Cardiovascular complications: after the kidney transplantation, the cardiovascular will be the second reason which threatens patient's life. It contains hypertension, heart failure, hyperlipidaemial and so on.
Complications of digestive system, like upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, acute pancreatitis.
Endocrine and metabolic abnormalities, like hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, renal tubular dysfunction, hyperuricemia and so on.
Complications of blood system, like polycythemia, the change of blood rheology.
The relapse of kidney disease: some years later after the kidney transplantation, patients may get kidney disease again and the common one is the relapse of primary disease.
2 The long-term survival rate after operation is low.
At present, most medical institutions just aim at the success chance of surgery and pay little attention on survival rate and quality of life. The main factors which threaten patients' life are medicine toxicity, cardiovascular disease, viral infection and exclusive reaction.
Cardiovascular disease has been the top factor endangering kidney transplant patient's life. About 50% of them die of cardiovascular disease which is mainly caused by hypertension and hypercholesterolemia after the operation. Some experts suggest that 25%-40% of kidney transplant patients will present renal function decline, proteinuria, progressive anemia gradually. In addition, some patients are not suitable for kidney transplant.
What are the Disadvantages for Kidney Transplant
At present, Kidney Transplant has become one of the relatively successful operations for patients of Renal Failure, while kidney transplant should be the last choice for the patients. On one kind, not all patients are suitable for this operation. On the other hand, there are still some disadvantages for this operation.
Successful kidney transplant can help the patients get rid of suffering of dialysis. Besides, kidney transplant can be more effective on treating renal failure. One successfully transplanted kidney can provide the function of ten times of that of dialysis. And the patients who adopt the kidney transplant have less restricts than the patients who take dialysis, which means the life quality can be better. Most patients who have taken transplant feel better and stronger than when they take dialysis.
However, at the same time, we must pay attention to the disadvantages of kidney transplant. All in all, this is a major operation. So we need to consider this from the following aspects:
1, it is a complex and long procedure to find out the matched kidney. It needs to take a series of examinations to make sure the best matching of the blood type and tectotype for the donor and the receptor. However, the patients who have got the most matched kidney may be not the best receptor. For the kidney transplant operations, there are various kinds of contraindications, such as liver disease, infectious diseases, serious heart disease and so on.
2, rejection is the most serious problem for patients. Although we can adopt the immunosuppressant to restrain or relieve the rejections, this will affect the life quality of the patients. Besides, the effects of immunosuppressant on the chronic rejection are not very good. Once it attracts, the renal function will decline gradually and then the patients may have to be faced with dialysis again. Besides, long term of taking immunosuppressant will affects the patients’ immunity. Infection is one the most common cause for the rejection and death of the patients. At the same time, patients who take the immunosuppressant for long term are more likely to suffer from cancer. And immunosuppressant may lead to toxins of liver and kidney, hyperglycemia, osteoporosis and so on.
3, for many cases, the transplanted kidneys can’t last for the whole life. Of course, there are patients who can live a better life for more than 20 years, but this is the better result. Usually, for the relatively young patients, they may have to take kidney transplant for two or even three times. And if the kidney transplant failed, the patients have to take dialysis again and wait for the next operations.
Therefore, just as we have said, kidney transplant should be the last choice for patients of renal failure. That means the patients had better not take the kidney transplant unless it was absolutely essential. if there still are the chance to improve the renal function and avoid the operations, the patients should not give up the chance.
Life Expectancy for People Live with Kidney Transplant
Generally speaking, the transplanted kidney doesn’t work forever. The better expected lifespan is about ten years. Good things not always happen. In some unsuccessful cases, donated kidney just stays several months or even several days. How long people live with kidney transplant mainly depends on matching quality, the age of donator and working efficiency chance of transplanted kidney.
Matching quality
The key to long-time live is from a kidney which is closest with your blood and tissue, that is expected to the least rejection from you own body. The closer the relation between donator and receptor, the better the matching quality. Generally, kidney from living donators lasts longer than that from dead ones. Therefore the best choice for long-term working of transplanted kidney is from your biological family members, then others who are willing to offer his or her organ, and eventually deceased.
Age of donator
New discovery reveals that kidney transplant lifespan depends on more donator’s age than receptor’s age. For the reason that, aging and renal aging are associated with changes in the genes expressed in the body, and that process of change is lifelong and that a possible new target in improving graft survival should include looking at strategies that may alter programmed aging in donor transplanted kidneys.
Working chance of donated kidney
Working efficiency chance of donated kidney at the set time point is another factor which affects the lifespan with kidney transplant. Here a chart for your reference.
Working efficiency chance years after transplant
90% one year
60% five years
50% ten years
Form this view, younger patients may need twice or more times of kidney transplant. If the kidneys they received fail, they need to restart their dialysis and go back to waiting list.
Each year the number in waiting list grows in a large degree and many patients who have registered for kidney transplant passed away during their waiting for donator. So patients who are undergoing long-term waiting are advised to look for effective therapies to repair their renal function. As long as you still remain renal function, namely you can perform urination, there is hope for your remedy. More information, please mail to khkpcn@hotmail.com.
The Dietary Principles for the Renal Failure Patient
The Dietary Principles for the Renal Failure Patient
(1)Sodium salt intake
Low-salt food should be taken for the edema patient to avoid worsening edema. Generally, the suitable salt intake every day should be less than 2g. The patient is forbidden to take preserved food, take less MSG and eatable alkali. The patient can have a common diet when the edema disappears, the plasma protein is close to the normal condition.
(2) Protein intake
For the renal failure syndrome patient, a large quantity of plasma protein is excreted out from urine, so the protein in the body becomes lower in protein malnutrition status. The hypoproteinemia make the plasma osmotic pressure lower, causing the edema stubborn, and the body resistance becomes lower, too. Therefore, the kidney disease patient should have comparatively high quality protein diet in the early and mid stage, when the patient haven’t presented renal functional failure. This is helpful to relieve hypoproteinemia and the complications caused by the hypoproteinemia. But the high-protein diet can make the Renal Blood Flow (RBF) increase and the glomerular filtration rate higher. Then, the glomerular capillary is in high-pressure status, while the urine protein also increases for taking high-protein diet, causing the acceleration of glomerulosclerosis. So, for the patient without chronic end-stage renal functional failure syndrome, they should take comparatively less quantity of high-quality protein diet. If the patient present chronic renal functional damage, they should take low-protein diet.
(3) Fat intake
The renal functional failure syndrome patient often has hyperlipoidemia, which can cause the arteriosclerosis and glomerular damage, sclerosis, etc. Therefore, the patient should be limited the food with rich fat and cholesterol, like animal giblets, fat meat, some seafood, etc.
(4) Microelements intake
As the permeability of glomerular basement membrane increases for the patient with renal functional failure syndrome, besides large amount of protein lost in the urine, meanwhile, some microelement and hormone which is combined with protein lost, too, causing the lack of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, etc. So, the patient should take appropriate microelement to supply. Generally, they can take vegetable, fruit, grains, seafood, etc. with rich vitamin and microelement.
Kidney Failure Treatment Options
The treatments for Kidney Failure are as follows.
First, control high blood pressure to a standard strictly. The patients should have low-salt diet, do exercises appropriately and supplement calcium actively. The patients also with Hypertention should take hypotensor insistently.
Secend, the treatment of urinary tract infection. After urinary tract infection occurrs, regular antibiotic treatment is neccesary, or the Kidney Failure will be more severe.
Third, medical treatment. Once microalbuminuria occurs, with or without hypertension, the patients should take angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers medicine under the guidance of the doctor. They can not only lower blood pressure, but also reduce urinary albumin and delay the progress of renal damage.
Fourth, regular physical examination. Diabetic nephropathy is a silent killer with no early symptoms. So it’s neccesary to have regular physical examination and especially to check urinary microalbuminuria.
Fifth, diet control and increase of nutrition. As for diet, protein should be limited but adequate intake of carbohydrates and fat is necessary to supply enough calories for the body.
Medical treatment has certain side effects. So it is recommended for patients to receive Immunotherapy, which has no side-effects. The therapy can also repair the damaged renal cells and recover renal function for the patients.
Diet for Every Patient with Renal Failure
SODIUM restrictions are paramount. It is literally impossible to take in NO sodium, because that's an element found in so many foods, but it is possible to limit the amount in a diet. First, obviously high sodium foods must be eliminated. These include cured meats (ham, sausage, bacon, corned beef, and the like), most cheeses, "fast" foods, pickles, bouillon cubes, soy sauce, and most Chinese or oriental foods.
Sodium hides in most commercially prepared foods, too; because salt is such a good preservative, it's used in packaging materials for cereal, bread, baking mixes, and most canned vegetables. This makes fresh food a wiser choice.
Some canned foods, such as vegetables, flaked fish or shellfish, poultry or meats, can be sodium-reduced by rinsing thoroughly. Place the food in a colander, rinse under running water for one full minute, and drain until all moisture is gone.
Even though it feels like a lot has been eliminated from diet choices (yes, pizza is tough to work into a low sodium eating plan) there are a myriad of ways to prepare delicious meals without high sodium content.
• Choose naturally low-sodium foods. As a rule, white cheeses are a safer bet than cheddar. Choose mozzarella, parmesan, ricotta, and look for low-salt varieties of your favorites. All unprocessed meats, poultry, and fish are acceptable. All fresh and frozen vegetables, all fruits and juices, and well-rinsed canned vegetables are suitable.
Homemade soups and noodles are healthier than the pre-made ones.
According to the specific limits of your own diet, it's okay to include moderately high sodium foods once in a while. Biscuits, a pancake, (homemade, to avoid the preservative salts of commercial mixes) cottage cheese, and sweet pickles or relish fall into this category.
• Look for no or low-salt versions of your favorite foods: tuna packed in water rather than oil, salt-free pretzels, unseasoned popcorn (dress up with chili powder, parmesan cheese, and a little garlic powder), no-salt butter are some examples.
• Collect a good selection of no-sodium seasonings; these can surprise people with spicy, robust taste independent of any salt.
• Keep an eye out for quick and easy low-sodium recipes for your favorite foods, and stock your pantry with the ingredients.
FLUIDS must be restricted. Your physician will set a limit for you, somewhere between four and eight cups maximum per day. Fluid is defined as anything that melts at room temperature, so in addition to water and juices, you must count ice cream, gelatin desserts, sherbet, and watermelon.
POTASSIUM counts, too, and it's harder to control for several reasons. You can't taste it, like you can salt, it's not a required item to be listed in the nutritional contents of packaged food, and it's in many foods.
The highest potassium amounts are found in nuts, avocados, potatoes, winter squash including pumpkin, oranges, kiwi, peaches, apricots, and anything dried -- fruits, beans and lentils.
Low potassium foods, safest to include frequently in a renal patient's diet, include applesauce, black berries, grapes, tangerines, canned pears and plums; asparagus, green or waxed beans, corn, cauliflower, cucumbers, water chestnuts, and summer squash. Juices such as apple, cranberry, lemonade, grape, and fruit-flavored drinks are okay; just remember to count them in your fluid total for the day.
PROTEIN plays an important role in the diet of any kidney patient. For those who are pre-dialysis, the amount must be limited to conserve kidney strength. After dialysis begins, however, protein needs to make up the major portion of the patient's menu, and the guideline will be set as a minimum, rather than a maximum amount per day -- as much as 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. The physician will determine the recommended amount for each person, depending on their over all health and their specific needs.
PHOSPHOROUS begins to be a consideration once dialysis begins, also. Foods to avoid based upon phosphorous content are dairy products, whole grains, bran and barley, nuts, coconut, figs and dates, raisins, salmon, sardines, oysters, and organ meats.
Cola drinks are also high in phosphorous, but soft drinks that are light colored (7-Up and Sprite, club soda) are fine.
Meat, poultry, fish and eggs are high in phosphorous, but are still an important part of the dialysis patient's diet because of the protein content; they should not be limited.
Because of the importance of limiting the amount of phosphorous in the blood stream, physicians will usually prescribe a "phosphate binder,"-- such as Tums--to be taken in prescribed doses with each meal.
While it seems like an inordinate amount of food has been eliminated from a wise menu plan for persons with renal failure, it is possible to have a healthy and delicious variety of food every day. A daily plan based on the amount of protein recommended for the individual patient, complemented by fresh, low-potassium fruits and vegetables and supplemented by low salt snacks, not only tastes wonderful, but is worth the effort in the life-saving health benefits achieved.
Kidney Failure Treatment Dialysis
Dialysis has specific effect on treating Kidney Failure and can partly replace damaged kidney to metabolize wastes in the body, reduce serum creatinine quickly, alleviate patients’ symptoms. So there are so many Kidney Failure patients who chose dialysis to treat their disease. However, according to clinical research, dialysis is just a substitution therapy by which dialysis machine replaces kidney to expell toxin, alleviate a series of symptoms of high risk, without repairing kidney. So the patient’s renal function will be worsen. In the long run, the left renal function will be lost. And the patients will long time rely on dialysis.
There will be some risk in Dialysis.
First, dialysis may make the disease relapse repeatedly and exacerbate it.
Second, dialysis will bring a series of complications.
Third, at that time the patients have to choose a continuous dialysis, which costs a lot. And continuous dialysis will make the kidney shrink or even to fully necrosis.
From the above mentioned we can see, dialysis can just postpone the development of the disease but not cure it. It’s impossible to achieve the purpose of healing by long-term dialysis. In order to treat Kidney Failure fundamentally, it’s necessary to control the deterioration of the kidney, repair glomerular, improve the renal microcirculation to change the state of ischemia and hypoxia, activate residual nephron to recover renal function, so that the patient’s condition will really improve.
It is recommended that the patients should receive Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is an advanced technology in the world which aims at improving the damaged kidney function and regulate the overall immune system. For more info, you can contact us by email: khkpcn@hotmail.com.
Advantages of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Treating Chronic Renal Failure
What is the advantage of traditional Chinese medicine in treating chronic Renal Failure? The TCM remedy can recover the damaged intrinsic renal cells fundamentally, thus treating Chronic Renal Failure fundamentally.
The various blood purification technologies have been developed in recent years, and it has blazed a new trail in treating Chronic Renal Failure. BUT it is not the most effective method of Chronic Renal Failure treatment. As there are a great number of people are seeking TCM remedy for help, it has to have some advantages. However, there are limited ingredients of the traditional Chinese medicine that can pass through the digestive system and reach the kidneys. That is to say, it is not that the medicine is unfit for the symptom, but the medicine is not competent enough to eliminate the symptom. If there were a kind of medicine that is targeting at the Renal Fibrosis, targeting at the ischemia and anoxia, inflammatory reaction, clotting mechanism hyperfunction, out-of-balance of generation and degradation of ECM, thus eliminating these factors. Even for the patients of Chronic Renal Failure stage, it can also be recovered maximally.
The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a medicine system which is specific to renal fibrosis.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a therapy conducted with micronization, with the traditional principal of “treat the disease from external part”, and with the help of electronic impulse of medicine osmoscope. The medicine can be permeated through waist and right into the kidney, which has an effect of expanding blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, organizing the out-of-balance of generation and degradation of ECM, and blocking the process of renal fibrosis.
Meanwhile, electronic impulse also stimulated and dredged the channels and acupoint, which played an effect of dredging the channel, nourishing qi and blood, conditioning viscera. In this way, patients will have an improved body constitution and body resistance, and it will accelerate the recovery of damaged nephron and intrinsic renal cells.
The experts of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Group say, if the patients of Chronic Renal Failure can persist on Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and scientific daily life, you would receive a good effect.
Food Can Be Eaten For Patients With Chronic Renal Failure
1.Staple Food: rice, millet, sticky rice, corn, wheat.
2. Vegetables: wax gourd, cucumber, tomato, lotus root, cabbage, radish, red spinach, mushroom, tremella, pumpkin, serpent melon, loofah, bamboo shoots, celery, lettuce, garlic sprouts, eggplant, potato.
3. Oil: colza oil, sesame oil.
4. A small amount of chicken, egg white and fish.
5. A little fruit: apple, pear, peach, water melon, red dates.
If you need any help, please email to khkpcn@hotmail.com.
How to Prevent and Delay Kidney Failure
Kidney Failure usually exists some reversible worsened factors, if these can be corrected in time, the disease course can be reversed, the renal function can be improved, so as to prevent and delay the coming of the Renal Failure.
1. Infection
The end-stage Kidney Failure and toxic symptoms patients affect by various kinds of toxins, resulted in body’s resistivity worsening extremely, immune function lowering, being complicated by general infection easily, which must cause the further deterioration of renal function damage. So, for the end-stage Renal Failure and toxic symptoms patients whose renal function deteriorate rapidly, existing low fever with unknown causes, and with pyuria or accompanying infected original disease, we should pay more attention to them. Once the infection is found out, the patient should take a treatment actively. After the infection is controlled, the end-stage Renal Failure and toxic symptoms patients can be relieved and even get rid of the condition of end-stage Kidney Failure and toxic symptoms
2 Urinary tract obstruction
After the urinary tract is obstructed, the internal pressure of the upper urinary tract increases. Then, the urine liquid flows back, causing kidney damage, the end-stage Renal Failure and toxic symptoms severer. For the obstruction patients, if they can be removed the obstruction in time, the renal function can be improved to varying extent.
3. Hypovolemia
As the end-stage Kidney Failure and toxic symptoms patients limit the intake of sodium and water, and take some diuretic drug, resulted in the reabsorption of sodium by the renal tubular, causing dehydration, hypovolemia, glomerular filtration rate decrease, and further damage of renal function. If supplied hypovolemia properly, these symptoms may be improved.
4. High blood pressure
The end-stage Kidney Failure and toxic symptoms patients caused by various reasons, whose blood pressure increases suddenly, then, their renal function will be worsened. Maintain the blood pressure in the suitable level, achieving the purposes of both lowering the blood pressure and guarantee the certain renal filtration rate, so as to delay the development of Kidney Failure.
5. Acidosis
When the patient’s CO2-CP is less than 18mmol/L, besides the basic drugs, the doctor should find out the factors of acidosis worsening actively, then, eliminating them, to lighten the symptoms of end-stage Kidney Failure and toxic symptoms patients.
6. Electrolyte disorder
The end-stage Kidney Failure and toxic symptoms patients often have hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, calcium phosphate deposited in kidney, resulted in the further deterioration of the renal function. In addition, as the potassium intake is lack and the using of diuretic drug may cause hypocalcemia, measures should be taken. Otherwise, severe results may be caused.
7. The using of nephrotoxic drugs
While Renal Failure, the drug discharge will be delayed, so, depositing in the blood and tissue easily, causing kidney damage. When the patients take that kind of medicines, the renal damage become worsening, we may attribute to the medicine.
8. General desease
The chronic end-stage Kidney Failure and toxic symptoms can be caused by both primary renal injury and some diseases or general diseases, such as Connective tissue diseases, Metabolic Diseases, and cardiovascular disease etc. If the end-stage renal failure and toxic symptoms are caused or deteriorated by the above diseases, treatment of primary disease timely and effectively can improve the illness condition of end-stage Kidney Failure and toxic symptoms to some extent.
9. Excessive protein intake
The protein content and BUN content in the food for the end-stage Kidney Failure and toxic symptoms are parallel with the kidney damage degrees. So, protein intake should be determined by the condition of renal function.
What are Symptoms Renal Failure
There may be no symptoms at the beginning of kidney failure. As kidney function decreases, the symptoms will appear gradually, they are related to the inability to regulate water and electrolyte balances, to clear waste products from the body, and to promote red blood cell production. Lethargy, weakness, shortness of breath, and generalized swelling may occur. Unrecognized or untreated, life-threatening circumstances can develop.
Inability to excrete potassium and rising potassium levels in the serum (hyperkalemia) is associated with fatal heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias) including ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation.
Rising urea levels in the blood (uremia) can affect the function of a variety of organs ranging from the brain (encephalopathy) with alteration of thinking, to inflammation of the heart lining (pericarditis), to decreased muscle function because of low calcium levels (hypocalcemia).
Metabolic acidosis, or increased acidity of the body due to the inability to manufacture bicarbonate, will alter enzyme and oxygen metabolism, causing organ failure.
Generalized weakness may be due to anemia, a decreased red blood cell count, because lower levels of erythropoietin produced by failing kidneys do not adequately stimulate the bone marrow. A decrease in red cells equals a decrease in oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, resulting in decreased oxygen delivery to cells for them to do work; therefore, the body tires quickly. As well, with less oxygen, cells more readily use anaerobic metabolism (an=without + aerobic=oxygen) leading to increased amounts of acid production that cannot be addressed by the already failing kidneys.
Because the kidneys cannot address the rising acid load in the body, breathing becomes more rapid as the lungs try to buffer the acidity by blowing off carbon dioxide. Blood pressure may rise because of the excess fluid, and this fluid can be deposited in the lungs, causing congestive heart failure.
As waste products build in the blood, loss of appetite, lethargy, and fatigue become apparent. This will progress to the point where mental function will decrease and coma may occur.
Cysts on the Kidney Any Danger
Kidney Cyst is commonly seen to adults over 50 years old. Generally, there is no obvious symptom. In the early stage, there is neither pain nor hematuresis and there in no abnormality in urinalysis. In most cases, it can be found when the cyst is bigger. Reliable tests are X-ray axial tomogram (CT), B ultrasonic and radionuclide scanning.
Due to the elevation of cyst inside pressure and infection, some patients may have the following symptoms:
1. Discomfort or pain on waist and abdomen. It can be dull pain fixed on one side or both side and spread to the lower part, waist and back. If there is bleeding in the cyst or secondary infection, there will be exacerbation of pain. If it is accompanied with kidney stone or the blood clot blocks the urinary tract because of bleeding, there will be renal colic.
2. Hematuresis. It can be microscopic hematuresis and gross hematuresis and occurs periodically. Strenuous exercise, trauma and infection can induce or aggravate the condition.
3. Abdominal mass. Sometimes, it is the main reason for hospitalization.
4. Proteinuria. It is not much in general and will be no more than 2g in 24 hours, so there will not be Nephrotic Syndrome.
5. Hypertension. The cyst can press the kidney and cause renal ischemia. This will lead to over secretion of rennin and cause high blood pressure.
6. Renal function impairment. Due the suppression and occupation, normal kidney tissues will obviously decrease and the renal function will progressively decline.
Therefore, the enlargement of the cyst on kidney can bring some danger for the human body. The treatment at present are mainly liquid pumping and decortication which will bring much pain for the patients. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat kidney cyst. There is no pain or side effect and has achieved great effect clinically.
What are the Symptoms of End-Stage Renal Disease
End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is almost the complete failure of the kidneys to function. The main function of the kidneys is to filter wastes, toxins and excess water from the body. So, once the kidney disease enters into end-stage renal failure, which kind of symptoms will the end-stage renal failure have?
End stage renal failure symptoms may include:
Weight loss without trying
Generalized itching (pruritus) and dry skin
Loss of appetite
General ill feeling and fatigue
What Other symptoms the end-stage renal failure may develop? The follows are for you to refer:
Swelling of the feet and hands (edema)
Bone pain
Brain and nervous system symptoms
Drowsiness and confusion
Problems concentrating or thinking
Numbness in the hands, feet, or other areas
Muscle twitching or cramps
Abnormally dark or light skin and changes in nails
Easy bruising, nosebleeds, or blood in the stool
Breath odor
Excessive thirst
Low level of sexual interest and impotence
Frequent hiccups
Sleep problems, such as insomnia, restless leg syndrome, or obstructive sleep apnea
Menstrual periods stop (amenorrhea)
Vomiting, especially in the morning
Can Renal Failure Be Cured
I would like to ask you please: Is it possible in my case to be cured completely, and thus I can stop dialysis and get rid of it totally.
Expert's reply:
I read the Test Report you sent me again, and I’m sure there is no report about your Renal Function including Serum Creatinine and Glomerular Filtration Rate. Please tell me how many times the dialysis in one week. These indexes are very important. As a responsible doctor, I cannot promise you anything without even knowing how much is your remaining renal function. However, I can surely tell you that as long as your remaining renal function is more than 10%, our treatment will be much helpful.
We have help many patients with similar disease condition to you. A patient with Renal Failure will leave our hospital happily today. When he came to our hospital, his total urine volume was only 200ml, but after the treatment, it rises to 700ml. You told me your urine is 1000ml/24hours. Your condition is much better than him, so I believe better effect will be achieved.
The treatment of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy can help repair the damaged kidney inherent cells and protect the remaining renal function. That is to say, if you have 60% renal function, our treatment can ensure that the 60% will not be damaged and we can recover more of the renal function. The effect can be 70%, 80% or 90% of your renal function can be rebuilt, but for the 10% that had already died, no one can make it live again. Do you think the disease is completely cured or not? We have treated many patients with Renal Failure, and many of them have got rid of dialysis.
You know the effect of any treatment is different with different people. Some patients are sensitive to our medicine, while some patients are less sensitive due to weak physique or other factors. However, as long as the patients continue with the treatment, the effect will be significant. Many patients live a normal life after the treatment and many can survive as a benign kidney disease carrier.
We are very confident in treating your disease. I hope you feel the same, too.
If you need any help, please email to khkpcn@hotmail.com.
Food Forbidden with Chronic Renal Failure
Chronic Renal Failure refers to the process of renal progressive damage and gradual deterioration of renal function caused by a variety of primary kidney diseases or secondary diseases. When the development of renal damage cannot maintain the balance of inner environment of the body, it will result in the retention of toxic metabolites, water, electrolyte and acid-base disorders and then a series of clinical symptoms.
For Chronic Renal Failure patients, besides proper treatment, reasonable diet is also very important.
Food forbidden with Chronic Renal Failure is as follows.
First, stimulating foods
Second, beans and beans products: beans, bean sprouts, lentils, red beans, mung beans, broad beans, peas, tofu, etc.;
Third, internal organs of animals (heart, liver, spleen, lung, large intestine, small intestine, stomach, etc.);
Fourth, spicy foods and spices: chives, celery, parsley, garlic, pepper, onion, ginger, packaged spices, star anise, cumin, soy sauce, vinegar and so on;
Fifth, high-protein foods: milk, soybean milk powder, oatmeal, black sesame paste, eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, beef, snake, etc.;
Sixth, high animal fat foods: fat, etc.;
Seventh, edible oil: lard, soybean oil, salad oil, peanut oil, cooking oil, etc.;
Eighth, nuts food: walnuts, peanuts, chestnut, melon seeds, pistachios, water chestnuts and so on.
What is Creatinine and What Does it Mean if Your Creatinine is High
Many tests may be performed to evaluate the function of the body’s major organs if people have discomforts. If the blood or urine tests show that the serum creatinine is high, it means that there are some problems of your kidneys.
Creatinine is a chemical waste molecule that is produced from muscle metabolism. It is filtered from the body by the kidneys in the process of urination. The creatinine levels in the body are important determinants of kidney function. Unusually, high creatinine levels may have a drastic effect on the kidneys and may even lead to kidney failure, because not enough creatinine is being excreted by the kidneys.
The normal range of serum creatinine for male is 53~106 umol/l (0.6~1.2mg/dl); and for female is 44~97 umol/l(0.5~1.1 mg/dl).
What does the test result mean?
Increased creatinine levels in the blood suggest diseases or conditions that affect kidney function. These can include:
Damage to or swelling of blood vessels in the kidneys caused by infection or autoimmune diseases etc.
Bacterial infection of the kidneys (pyelonephritis)
Death of cells in the kidneys’ small tubes (acute tubular necrosis) caused, for example, by drugs or toxins
Prostate disease, kidney stone, or other causes of urinary tract obstruction
Reduced blood flow to the kidney due to shock, dehydration, congestive heart failure, atherosclerosis, or complications of diabetes
High blood creatinine is usually a sign of problems with kidney functions.
Serum creatinine is also the major component in the various equations used to estimate GFR, and as a patient, it is what you will use most in tracking how your kidney function is doing.
Serum Creatinine and Kidney Failure
Creatinine is one of the indexes during renal function test. Measuring serum creatinine is a useful and inexpensive method of evaluating renal dysfunction. Creatinine is a non-protein waste product of creatine phosphate metabolism by skeletal muscle tissue. Creatinine production is continuous and is proportional to muscle mass.
Creatinine is freely filtered and therefore the serum creatinine level depends on the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR). Renal dysfunction diminishes the ability to filter creatinine and the serum creatinine rises. If the serum creatinine level doubles, the GFR is considered to have been halved. A threefold increase is considered to reflect a 75% loss of kidney function.
Reference values for serum creatinine:
Adult males: 0.8 - 1.4 mg/dl: values are slightly higher in males due to larger muscle mass
Adult females: 0.6 - 1.1 mg/dl: creatinine clearance is increased in pregnancy, resulting in lower serum levels
Children: 0.2 - 1.0 mg/dl: slight increases with age because values are proportional to body mass
A panic value for creatinine is 10 mg/dl in nondialysis patients.
Decreased creatinine levels may be seen in: the elderly, persons with small stature, decreased muscle mass, or inadequate dietary protein. Muscle atrophy can also result in decreased serum creatinine level. If muscle atrophy is suspected, assessment of serum creatine, an important enzyme necessary for normal muscle function, is done.
The only important pathological condition that causes a significant increase in the serum creatinine level is damage to a large number of nephrons. Unlike the BUN, the serum creatinine level is not affected by hepatic protein metabolism. Tests to measure serum creatinine, urine creatinine, and creatinine clearance are all used only to evaluate renal function. Only renal dysfunction changes the results. The serum creatinine level does not rise until at least half of the kidney's nephrons are destroyed or damaged. Because creatinine levels rise and fall more slowly than BUN levels, creatinine levels are often preferred to monitor renal function on a long-term basis.
Increased serum creatinine levels are seen in: Impaired renal function, Chronic Nphritis, Urinary tract obstruction, Muscle diseases such as gigantism, acromegaly, and myasthenia gravis, Congestive heart failure, and shock.
Healthy Diet for Stage 3 CKD
Diet is such an important part of treatment. Eating a proper diet can help preserve kidney function and overall health.
A healthy diet for stage 3 CKD may recommend:
Including a variety of grains, fruits and vegetables, but whole grains and some fruits and vegetables may be limited if blood tests show phosphorus or potassium levels are above normal.
A diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fats, especially if cholesterol is high or if you have diabetes or heart disease
Limiting intake of refined and processed foods high in sodium and prepare foods with less salt or high sodium ingredients
Aiming for a healthy weight by consuming adequate calories and including physical activity each day
Keeping protein intake within the DRI level recommended for healthy people with attention to high quality protein.
Consuming the DRI for the water soluble vitamin B complex and C.
Vitamin D and iron may be tailored to individual requirements
Limiting phosphorus if blood levels of phosphorus or PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) are above normal
Limiting calcium if blood levels are above normal
Potassium is usually not restricted unless blood levels are above normal
Symptoms of Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Failure
A person with Stage 3 CKD has kidney damage with a moderate decrease in the GFR of 30-59 ml/min. As kidney function declines waste products can build up in the blood causing a condition known as “uremia.” In Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Failure a person is more likely to develop complications of kidney disease such as high blood pressure, anemia (a shortage of red blood cells) and/or early bone disease.
Symptoms of Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Failure, such as:
Fatigue and Anemia: Feeling tired is common for people with CKD and is often caused by anemia. anemia often develops during stage 3 kidney disease. Because the red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, a decrease in red blood cells reduces the amount of oxygen. With less circulating oxygen, the cells in the body must work harder, which causes fatigue.
Too much fluid: The kidneys may lose their ability to control how much fluid stays in the body. A person may notice swelling (edema) in their lower legs, hands or face around the eyes. With too much fluid someone could even feel short of breath.
Urination changes: Urine may be foamy if there is protein in it, or dark orange, brown, tea colored or red if it contains blood. A person may urinate more or less, or get up at night to go to the bathroom.
Kidney pain: Most people with CKD do not have kidney pain, but with some kinds of kidney problems, such as polycystic kidney disease or infections, they may have pain in their back where the kidneys are.
Sleep problems: Some people have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Itching, muscle cramps or restless legs can keep them awake.
High Blood Pressure: Blood pressure is the force of the blood against the blood vessel walls, as described by the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse. There are many factors that can affect blood pressure, and the kidneys play a key role in maintaining a healthy blood pressure. As the kidneys begin to fail, fluids build up in the body, which increases the volume of blood. An increase in blood volume within the blood vessels creates more pressure on the vessel walls, translating to an increase in blood pressure. This is part of a dangerous cycle, as high blood pressure damages the blood vessel walls. When the blood vessels in the kidney are damaged, it contributes to the kidney damage, causing further loss of function.
What Foods Shouldn't You Eat When You Have Renal Failure
Stage 5 CKD is also called established chronic kidney disease and is synonymous with the now outdated terms end-stage renal disease (ESRD), chronic kidney failure (CKF) or chronic renal failure (CRF).
Diet is a very important aspect for renal failure patient to control the development of kidney disease. So, what foods shouldn't you eat when you have renal failure?
1. High potassium: such as all kinds of edible fungi, potato, Chinese yam, cabbage, date, banana, orange, white fungus, peach, apricot, spinach, rape, etc.
2. Foods with high salt such as: MSG, soda cracker, fine dried noodles, soy sauce, deep-fried cruller, etc. the patient of unstable blood pressure with severe edema, should avoid salt. In general, every patient takes salt less than 3g every day.
3. High phosphorus such as: marine food products and marine plant, seaweed, laver, animals' bowels, sesame, tea, honey, yolk, etc.
4. Note: It is forbidden to use animal oil while cooking. Take vegetable oil mainly, don't take fatty food. It is better for the kidney patient to corn oil contained unsaturated fatty acid.
5. Take high-quality protein—patients can take right amount of egg white, milk, and fine lean meat, the amount of intake should be less than 100g. Can't take vegetable protein, such as bean and each kind of bean products, bean curd, and bean milk. Can't take every kind of nuts, such as peanut, melon seeds, and walnut.
6. Take high vitamin-- the patients of kidney disease can take more vegetable and various kinds of fruits, like pear, apple, cucumber, tomato, etc.
Note: the patients of kidney disease should avoid spicy food (such as onion, ginger, garlic, etc), avoid smoke and liquor. While being oliguria, the patient needs to control the water intake. In general, the water intake should less than the urine volume on the day before.
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