
How to Make a Diagnosis of Acute Renal Failure in Children

On the basis of an precise diagnosis of Acute Renal Failure, corresponding treatments can be chosen. Here, we will introduce the most basic and practical diagnosis of Children Acute Renal Failure.
Acute Renal Failure can be divided into 3 categories: pre-renal, renal and post-renal Renal Failure. They are different from each other. Accordingly, they have respectively therapy methods as well as prognosis.
The diagnosis for Acute Renal Failure in children including:
1. Oliguria phase
Stage of oliguria usually lasts 3-14 days or even longer. Oliguria refers to your urine output between 100-400mL/day. Azotemia develops during this initial stage of Acute Renal Failure. Azotemia means the accumulation of nitrogenous wastes in your blood.
Major symptoms include nauseas, vomiting, headache, dizziness, itchy skin and so on. If this condition is not corrected, children with Acute Renal Failure will appear coma, convulsions or even death.
2. Diuresis phase
During this stage, the child would excrete a lot of dilute urine and experience electrolyte imbalances. At the same time, dehydration, hyponatremia (low sodium) and hypopotassaemia (low potassium) develops. The child will experience heart rhythms and fatigue. Kidneys' concentrating function is still poor during this stage.
3. Recovery phase
This phase may take as long as one year or even more. When the child develops to this phase, his or her urine output becomes normal and symptoms of Acute Renal Failure gradually disappear. Moreover, various blood and biochemical tests displays normally.
According to the data available, 80% of the pre-renal and post-renal Acute Renal Failure can recover, that's particularly a great chance for the child to live a normal life hereafter. What they need to do is find your doctor take a scientific and effective treatment in time. Besides, complications of Acute Renal Failure should be paid great attention, because serious complications cause death instead of the disease itself.



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