
Respiratory and Digestive Problems of Chronic Kidney Failure Patients

Many Chronic Kidney Failure patients have respiratory and digestive problems. In severe cases, these problems may even significantly interrupt their daily activities and threaten their life.
Respiratory Problems of Chronic Kidney Failure Patients
Metabolic acidosis is a major cause of respiratory problem. It can cause deep and rapid breath and severely irregular hear beat and even coma. Metabolic acidosis is attributable to the imbalance of acid-base in body. In Renal Failure, impaired kidneys lose the normal regulatory function and the alcaline substances can not neutralize the acid, thus leading to the problem.
Blood collection in lung is also attributable factors for respiratory problems in Chronic Renal Failure. As the impaired kidneys are not function normally to filter extra fluid from body, it will build up in body. In severe case, the lung and even blood vessels at all levels may be filled with fluid. Thus, it can cause difficult and short breath, etc.
Digestive Problem in Chronic Renal Failure
Digestive problems in Chronic Renal Failure mainly include nausea, vomiting, bleeding, etc. Usually, these problems appear along with elevated BUN.
Usually, dialysis can relieve the mentioned problems, but it is not enough to manage all the complications of Chronic Renal Failure like skin itching, because dialysis only removes the macromolecular toxins like creatinine, BUN, but the remaining toxins like PTH, IL 6, etc still remain in body to do further damage to kidneys. Therefore, the patients' renal function still keep aggravating with dialysis going on.
Respiratory and digestive problems are related to impaired kidneys, the primary goal of the treatment should focus on rebuilding the kidney structure and reversing renal function.

Chinese Herbal Medicine Help Repair the Damaged Kidneys in ESRD

End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is not more a lifetime dialysis requirement any more. Chinese herbal medicine can restore renal functions of ESRD patients, thus helps repairing the damaged kidney cells and tissues, and if complemented with other methods, it is possible for them to get rid of dialysis.
In order to remove excessive toxins, many ESRD patients choose to conduct dialysis, which works as an artificial kidney and eliminates useless metabolic products effectively. However, as it goes, patients will feel its side effects day by day. They become dependent on dialysis, so they have to adopt dialysis more and more frequently. What's worse, as dialysis replaces patient's kidney, patient's remaining renal functions will be abandoned. By this, patients have no choice but kidney transplant finally. Therefore, dialysis is just a therapeutic approach, it is not the best choice for Uremia patients.
Chinese Herbal Medicine Help Repair the Damaged Kidneys in ESRD
Chinese herbal medicine offers another choice for any ESRD patients who want to get rid of dialysis, or at least reduce the frequency of dialysis.
After Chinese herbal medicine is absorbed by human body, its active components can arrive at renal lesion. By this, it can eliminate immune complex, activate damaged renal nephrone and stop the continuous damage to renal injury. Thus it can keep the remaining renal function.
Besides, it also can repair the damaged gomerular cells, remedy glomerular basilar membrane and gradually restore renal metobolic function. Finally, it can help patients with Uremia getting rid of dialysis.
In addition, Chinese herbal medicine stems from natural plants or herbs. It has no side effects.
If you are suffering with ESRD or dialysis, Chinese herbal medicine offers another possibility for you. It is hoped that you can consider your own illness state and make a best choice.


Natural Herbal Treatment for High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease

Hypertension is the root problem of the renal disease. Hence, hypertension firstly should be controlled under the regulation.
Diseased kidneys can exacerbate the hypertension in return, so renal disease should have a good therapy to prevent renal failure. Some patients may adopt a treatment to decrease or control the proteinuria which is a symptom of High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease. But have you ever thought cutting off the proteinuria really indicate your kidneys were well? Just the symptoms disappear but diseases are staying with you.
We recommend you to use Chinese medicine which is a natural herb without any side effects. The ingredients of Chinese medicine can dilating the narrow blood vessels and prevent forming the blood clots in order to recover a normal blood circulation. Therefore, hypertension can be improved gradually.
The Chinese medicine is like the cleaner who can keep a good environment for our body. Then Immunotherapy is used to reppair the damaged kidneys and restore the kidney function.
An effective treatment really can help you to prevent the uremia' coming. If you have renal problems related to hypertension, experts warn you should have a good therapy as soon as possible for High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease rogresses quickly.

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